Google Docs is a wonderful tool to know about.  It's great for students, educators, and other professionals that use microsoft office.  Google docs is basically microsoft office online.  I personally really like it because i dont have to pay for microsoft and it saves everything automatically.  All you need is a google account to get started.  And guess what?  It's free!  Google docs allows you to share documents and work on them at the same time as your co-workers, group members, etc.  This is the new way to build and share information. 

Check out what i have made below!  Feel free to take my quiz, i guarantee you'll pass!

2/15/2012 06:27:08 am

I too am looking forward to using Google Docs. I was playing around with it tonight and linked my yahoo account to my Google account

2/20/2012 09:19:39 am

Noticed the twitter song a post back or to. Check I's, I think you have a few lower case ones. Go deeper in your thoughts.

10/2/2012 09:52:57 pm

All contents were expressed in a clear n simplified manner n it was meaningful too. You are a marvelous writer. Good work!


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